Care Workers Recognition Month
Care Workers Recognition Month

Care Workers Recognition Month

Care is the work that makes all other work possible.

Honor Caregivers

Join us this April for Care Workers Recognition Month, a time to honor the millions of Black, Brown, Latinx, and immigrant care workers who support our families and communities every day! 

Last year, President Biden signed historic executive actions for care and a proclamation for care workers, helping put care at the forefront and acknowledging its essential nature. But the reality is stark: many care workers are still underpaid, without benefits or time off, struggling to support their own families. As the demand for care grows, so must our support for those who provide it. This April, let’s come together to ensure care jobs are dignified, living wage positions. Stand with us in recognition and action for our caregivers.

Nominate a Care Worker

Honor a care worker or caregiver in your life and share how they have impacted your life.

Week of Action for Care

In second week of April 2024, the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) along with congressional champions and partner organizations, wrapped up a week-long series of events which coincided with The White House’s second proclamation declaring April “Care Workers Recognition Month” and the one-year anniversary of the signing of the White House Executive Order on Care, which strengthened paid leave and child, aging, and disability care, addressing all of the pillars of the Care Can’t Wait agenda, including good jobs for care workers.

Throughout the week, advocates were joined by President Joe Biden, Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, and several lawmakers, including Senators Bob Casey, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, Whip Katherine Clark, and Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra to discuss the critical need for Congress to take swift action to invest more in childcare, aging, and disability care, expand paid family and medical leave, and better support the care industry. Celebrate the strides made under the Biden-Harris administration in prioritizing care, from raising direct care worker wages to supporting family caregivers to making care more affordable for families. Together, we’re building a future where care is accessible, affordable, and honored as a cornerstone of our society.

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Wins for Care

Executive Order for Care

In 2023 and 2024, the White House designated April as Care Workers Recognition Month, affirming the Administration’s dedication to bolstering the care economy and recognizing the vital contributions of care workers.
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White House Proclamation

In 2023 and 2024, the White House designated April as Care Workers Recognition Month, affirming the Administration’s dedication to bolstering the care economy and recognizing the vital contributions of care workers.
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“Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services” Rule

The Biden-Harris Administration’s “Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services” final rule, announced on April 22, 2024, mandates that at least 80 percent of Medicaid payments for home care services go to workers’ wages, aiming to improve access, job quality, and accountability in home care.
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Take Action

Become a Care Champion: Add your voice to our movement by signing our Care Champion petition.
Stand up for better care and better jobs: Sign this petition to show your support for the Better Care Better Jobs Act and help improve the quality of care jobs while ensuring affordable, accessible care for all.
Tell Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit: Join us and contact your senators and demand they reject harmful amendments to the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act and pass the Child Tax Credit expansion as soon as possible.
Support the National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights: Add your name to help us pass the National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and ensure domestic workers get the dignity, respect and rights they deserve.
Learn More: Dive deeper into understanding the care crisis and discover how you can make a difference.

Honor a Care Worker: Nominate a deserving care worker/caregiver today to honor their invaluable contributions during Care Workers Recognition Month! View and share all the amazing nominations with your friends and family.
Share Your Care Story: Share your own care story today and help raise awareness about the critical importance of care and the incredible dedication of care workers.
Share on Social: Spread the word by sharing this page with your friends and followers on social media.
Together, let’s honor and uplift the incredible caregivers who play a vital role in our communities. Join us in making Care Workers Recognition Month unforgettable!

Domestic Worker Portrait Series

See the Nominees!

Thank you to all the care workers that have made an impact in our lives!